4 Places To Check When Your Furnace Stops Heating
Depending on your preparation, the heating season can be delightful or present a nightmare. Moreover, if you had someone inspect the furnace, you're probably having an easy time with it. On the other hand, if you ignore the recommended maintenance, you might struggle with various issues, including the unit failing to heat without notice. So, if yours suddenly stops working, you should check these four places for possible causes.
Check the Source of Power
The power supply should be the first place to check when the furnace stops working. So, check the on-and-off switch near the furnace and ensure it's working. Also, flip the switch to your furnace on the primary circuit and ensure a breaker hasn't tripped. If none of these is the issue, you should proceed to check other components.
Check the Thermostat
You cannot ignore the thermostat's role in determining how efficient heating will be. This is because when you crank up your thermostat, your furnace should cycle on and start heating the home. Ultimately, you should hear a click sound as the system turns on and a soft humming sound as it begins to work. On the other hand, you will know that you have trouble with the thermostat when you turn it on, but the unit does not start heating the home. So, check whether the batteries are working, and ensure that the thermostat is in heat mode. If these minor adjustments don't work, it's time to call a furnace repair technician.
Check the Air Registers
Sometimes, your furnace could work fine, but warm air is not reaching your home. If this is the case, the first place to check for a possible problem is the air registers. More so, start checking those in the rooms that are colder than others and ensure they are open and there's free flow. In addition, clear anything blocking these openings and check to see whether your furnace's performance improves. However, call a repair technician if the blockage is inside and you cannot access it without dismantling the system.
Check the Air Filters
The air filters ensure that your furnace receives clean and contaminant-free air. However, if you don't replace them on time, they will clog at some point. When this happens, your unit will not receive enough air to heat your home. If this is the case, replacing the air filters should help restore heating.
If you are having trouble with your furnace, it is best to call a heating repair expert. They can help you troubleshoot and resolve them, saving you further inconvenience. Also, they will help increase the furnace's life span by addressing issues on time through regular maintenance.
Contact a local furnace repair service to learn more.