What Are Heating System Services And When To Schedule An Appointment
When is the best time to schedule a heating system service? New homeowners who have never had to schedule an HVAC service call may not know what the contractor considers an emergency, what hours a contractor works, or what day of the week/time of day is ideal for different types of heating appointments. If you recently bought your first home, take a look at what you need to know about scheduling HVAC repairs.
What Is an Emergency HVAC Service and When Does Your Heater Need One?
Did your heater suddenly stop on the coldest night of the year? A system failure or other issue that prevents your home from heating during the winter or chilly spring weather requires professional service as soon as possible.
Along with a total system failure, dramatically reduced heating capacity, odd smells, and loud noises may also require emergency service. Unlike traditional maintenance and repair calls, an emergency appointment is an after-hours service in the evening, during the night-time, or on a weekend.
If you smell a sulfur-like or rotten egg odor when you use your natural gas heating appliance, or if you smell smoke, or if a carbon monoxide alarm goes off, turn off the heater and leave your home immediately (before you call for service). These are hazardous situations and require prompt attention from a trained professional and emergency management services personnel.
What Are Repair Heating Services and When Does Your Heater Need One?
While an emergency service is also a repair service, it isn't the only type of repair-related appointment you may need for your HVAC system. Some issues can wait until the next morning, the next weekday, or even until the next week. This doesn't mean you should put off calling an HVAC contractor if your heater has a problem. But there are times when you don't need to pay an extra fee for an emergency call.
Common reasons to seek a non-emergency heater service include uneven home heating (warm and cool spots), higher than expected energy bills, a heater that turns off and on repeatedly, a heater that doesn't turn off or takes longer than normal to warm the air, air duct leaks, or heat that slowly drizzles out of a vent.
Provided there are no obvious leaks (such as natural gas or carbon monoxide), you don't smell smoke, and either the heater still works or the temperature is warm enough that you wouldn't use the heater if it did work correctly, contact the HVAC contractor during their regular business hours.
If possible, schedule a service call for their next available appointment. The sooner you know what is wrong with the heater, the sooner the technician can repair it. A prompt repair can save you money in unnecessary utility costs and can reduce the risk of additional damage or wear.
Contact a local heating service to learn more.